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Kill Me Please film streaming regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais 1440

Can someone please kill me because I can't kill myself.

Hi I'm Sakura 16 y/o, and my teeth is ruining my life particularly my self-confidence..My teeth are really crooked and yellow..I currently have severe toothache for 5 days now, and it makes me sad and I cry..I don't have insurance and my parents cant afford braces..I will go to dentist this Saturday (but. show more Hi I'm Sakura 16 y/o, and my teeth is ruining my life particularly my self-confidence..My teeth are really crooked and yellow..I currently have severe toothache for 5 days now, and it makes me sad and I cry..I don't have insurance and my parents cant afford braces..I will go to dentist this Saturday (but not sure) to take this tooth that is hurting..I had my teeth cleaned last year but my insurance was maxed out so they didn't continue it..Anyways, I don't really have friends and never been to relationship before because of my teeth. Whenever people take me a picture they say SMILE and it pisses me off because of my teeth DON'T THEY KNOW I have a freakin fcked up teeth and think I am mean..I just wanna kill myself..I'm a straight As student and I'm senior graduating this year and I have had recieves Scholarship but I don't even know if I will attend College because of my teeth and plus the financially crisis..My parents doesn't want to loan money..its embarrasing to even post this question I'm just crying right now. I once overheard convo with these people talking about me..because I like this person and he said that I was pretty and nice but my teeth are a big turnoff..that he doesn't want to go out wiht me. I felt really depressed and wanting to kill myself..I even hated my parents because of this. and even dying is also expensive..I don't really know what the hell is my question. remedies don't work for me because I tried everything..I dont know if I should go on with my life and with a low self-confidence..what should I do? I am tired of ignoring this people. they hurt me and my feelings I feel like I'm not a worth of living.

Update: sorry it is fckin long to read

Update 2: btw, the bottom teeth are really straight just yellow..and I am scared to buy whitening strips and apply them in my teeth

Update 3: BTW, I live in VA, USA